Beyond Test Scores: Redefining Success with Whole Child Learning

By CT Leong


In this episode of the Engaging Leadership Show, host CT Leong interviews Michael Matsuda, Superintendent of Anaheim Union High School District (AUHSD). They discuss the district's unique demographics, diverse student population, and Matsuda's leadership journey from various careers to education.

Matsuda shares AUHSD's shift from teaching to test scores to a whole-child approach focusing on student interests and career preparation. He highlights the district's success in raising student outcomes and engagement through innovative teaching methods and AI tools. Matsuda emphasizes the importance of aligning staff with the district's mission and the transformational potential of current educational practices.




đź’ˇ Key Takeaways

• Whole-Child Learning Over Test Scores: AUHSD prioritizes whole-child learning, which has led to higher student engagement and academic success, especially among underserved communities.

• Leadership and Diversity: Matsuda's background in both the private sector and education has contributed to his unique leadership style focused on social justice and innovation.

• Innovation in Education: The district employs advanced tools, including AI, to prepare students for the future job market, emphasizing project-based and community-centered learning.

• Recruitment and Alignment: Emphasizing alignment with core values, Matsuda discusses the importance of recruiting teachers and leaders who share the district's vision and mission.

• Engagement with Parents and Community: AUHSD actively engages parents and community stakeholders, ensuring broad-based support for its educational initiatives.


The Whole Child Approach: Elevating Education Beyond Test Scores

Michael Matsuda, the innovative Superintendent of Anaheim Union High School District (AUHSD), has spearheaded a transformative approach to education that prioritizes teaching the whole child. This methodology has led to significant achievements across the district’s diverse student population.

Redefining Success

During his interview, Matsuda emphasized that AUHSD does not teach to the test. Instead, they focus on cultivating student interests and passions. This shift in educational strategy has resulted in Latinx students outperforming their affluent counterparts from other districts at the University of California, Irvine. He states,

"Our Latinx students, our low-income, first-generation Latinx students are outperforming the rich Asian and white kids in south Orange County at the University of California, Irvine, both in GPA and persistence rates."

This holistic approach underscores the importance of engaging students in a meaningful educational experience that prepares them for real-world challenges. It's not just about academic achievements but also about nurturing students' critical thinking, collaboration, and problem-solving skills.

Building a System for Success

Matsuda’s leadership has been instrumental in fostering a supportive environment where teachers are encouraged to innovate. By shifting the focus from standardized test scores to real-world applications, he ensured that educators can develop personalized learning experiences. He explains,

"We teach to the whole child. All of our PLC time, all of our extra time are focused on teaching the kids and cultivating their interests and their passion."

This approach has not only maintained but improved AUHSD's academic performance, demonstrating that holistic education can yield quantifiable success.


Embracing Artificial Intelligence: Preparing for the Future

As the world rapidly evolves with technological advancements, particularly in artificial intelligence (AI), Matsuda is proactive in integrating AI tools into the educational framework of AUHSD.

AI as a Catalyst for Change

Matsuda believes in the transformative potential of AI in education. An insightful moment in the interview was a history teacher's comment describing AI as a "calculator for history." He shares,

"Now I have a calculator for history because we've been sitting down watching how calculators have transformed science and math, and now I have one for history and potentially for English."

This underscores the revolutionary benefits AI could bring to various subjects, facilitating a more enriched learning experience. With AI, students and teachers can handle complex historical data and texts with unprecedented ease, making room for deeper analysis and critical thinking.

Systematic Implementation

The integration of AI is not just about introducing new tools but also about creating a supportive ecosystem for teachers and students. Matsuda emphasizes the importance of professional development and meaningful pilot programs. He asserts,

"We developed our own board policy making sure that it's firewalled, but bringing it in, allowing teachers to pilot some of these tools and have the systems in place to help vet some of these tools."

By taking a structured approach to AI implementation, Matsuda ensures that technology serves to enhance, rather than complicate, teaching and learning processes. This prepares students better for a job market increasingly driven by AI technologies.


Leadership Development: Aligning Values for Systemic Change

The success of any transformational initiative largely depends on effective leadership. Matsuda’s strategy for leadership development within AUHSD stresses the alignment of individual and organizational values.

Identifying and Cultivating Aligned Leaders

Matsuda uses innovative hiring and training processes to ensure that new educators and administrators share the district’s core values. He speaks on using conscious business principles for alignment,

"Fred Kaufman talks about the alignment of the it we and the I...If you are personally aligned to our vision and mission, then we're going to bring you in and we're going to support you.”

This meticulous attention to personal alignment ensures that everyone within the district is committed to the overarching educational goals, facilitating seamless and effective implementation of new strategies.

Fostering a Culture of Innovation

Matsuda’s leadership is also distinguished by fostering a culture where change is embraced. He likens transformative leadership to playing three-level chess, where leaders have to navigate and align strategies across various layers of the educational system.

"The opponent at every level is the status quo. That’s who you're playing against. And if you understand that...then you’re going to be able to truly transform at the ground level.”

This perspective highlights the importance of being adaptable and proactive in challenging existing norms to bring about meaningful education reform.

Unleashing the Potential of Education through Bold Leadership

Michael Matsuda’s leadership journey and his innovative approaches provide a blueprint for educational transformation. By prioritizing whole child education, integrating advanced AI tools, and developing aligned, value-driven leadership, AUHSD exemplifies how to prepare students for an ever-evolving future.

Ensuring systemic alignment from the administration to the classroom is critical. As Matsuda observes, unleashing the potential of 55 million K-12 students across America hinges on unlocking the creativity and passion of educators. His insights offer valuable lessons for leaders looking to inspire and drive impactful change within their educational communities.



Michael Matsuda

Michael Matsuda is the Superintendent of Anaheim Union High School District, recognized for his innovative educational leadership. Since 2014, he has developed career pathways in partnership with various sectors, significantly enhancing student opportunities. He's received numerous accolades, including from Education Week Magazine and Cal State University, Fullerton, and has promoted democracy and civic engagement in schools. Under his leadership, Matsuda initiated the Anaheim Innovative Mentoring Experience (AIME), generating thousands of mentorships and internships for students.

His educational background includes a BA from UCLA, an MPA from USC, and credentials from Chapman University and CSUF. Matsuda's deep connection to the district is also portrayed in the documentary Remember Us, which recounts the internment of Japanese American students from Anaheim High School during WWII.



Co-Host, Engaging Leadership Show


CT Leong is the Co-founder of EngageRocket and CEO (Americas) of EngageRocket, a SaaS startup with a mission to turn digital connections into meaningful human connections at work. Before becoming an entrepreneur, he was a Regional Director of Gallup - one of the world's top HR advisories. He graduated with a degree in Economics at the University of Cambridge, and has an MA in Political Science from Columbia University.

Tags: Education


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