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40 Powerful Performance Review Questions For Employees and Managers
As per a Gartner study, only 38% of HR leaders believe that performance management has met business needs. About 87% are...
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Tags: EngageRocket, HR analytics, Performance Management

Create a Winning Performance Management Framework & Best Practices

We have all seen negative things about performance reviews. 

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Tags: EngageRocket, HR analytics, Performance Management

7 Management Hacks To Improve Employee Productivity

We’re all familiar with Spider-Man’s famous catchphrase: “With great power comes great responsibility.” However, his words no...

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Tags: Employee Engagement, Attrition / Retention, EngageRocket,

Strategies for Effective Performance Management: Connection, Conversation & Coaching

Effective performance management plays a pivotal role in HR and organizational success, directly influencing compensation, career...

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Tags: Leadership, Performance Management, HR Strategy,

Turn Employee Feedback Survey Results into Meaningful Action Plans

You have just spent weeks planning and conducting your survey… Now what? What do the results mean? Who do you communicate the...

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Tags: Performance Management, Feedback Survey

Performance feedback methods in the workplace: guide for managers and leaders

According to a Gallup study, organizations that have mastered the art of feedback have seen a 14.9% reduction in turnover rates....

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Tags: Performance Management, Performance Reviews

Performance appraisal challenges and solutions in the workplace

Performance appraisals can feel like a dreaded annual event for employees and managers alike. In fact, receiving an unfair...

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Tags: Performance Management, Performance Reviews

Designing effective 360-degree feedback questionnaires for managers

As a manager, it's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day operations of your team and forget to focus on your development....

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Tags: Performance Management, Performance Reviews, Managing People,

Leading with flexibility to ensure a smooth return to office (RTO)

Over the last two years, many employees have become acclimated to a degree of flexibility, autonomy, and efficiency while working...

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Tags: Leadership, Performance Management, Employee Experience

How to reinvent the way performance appraisals are designed

Article published in CNA on 4 November 2020

In many ways, the pandemic has been a wake-up call for employers. American human...

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Tags: Leadership, Performance Management

New Productivity KPIs Needed to Assess Employee Performance

In 2022, HR and business leaders need to consider productivity measures that are better suited to the new ways of working.

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Tags: Performance Management, Employee Experience

How To Keep Employees Productive While Working From Home

Working from home means more distractions, fewer ways to interact naturally with fellow employees, and more social isolation —...

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Tags: Performance Management, Remote Work