Strategies & Insights

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Overcoming Bias: A Journey of a Female Founder in Tech

This article was written based on Dorothy's story shared in the panelist discussion: "Things I Wish I Knew in My 20s – This...

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Tags: Leadership, Workplace Culture, Coaching,

Future-Forward Leadership & Thriving Through Change: 3 Essential Team Qualities To Cultivate Today

Disruption has accompanied humanity since the dawn of time and will persist into the future. Remember Charles Darwin's famous...

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Tags: Leadership, HR Strategy, Workplace Culture,

7 Management Hacks To Improve Employee Productivity

We’re all familiar with Spider-Man’s famous catchphrase: “With great power comes great responsibility.” However, his words no...

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Tags: Employee Engagement, Attrition / Retention, EngageRocket,

How to Choose the Right Employee Survey Frequency

You might find it difficult to believe, but the annual employee survey is almost a hundred years old! In the 1920s, big...

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Tags: Employee Engagement, EngageRocket, HR analytics,

Strategies for Effective Performance Management: Connection, Conversation & Coaching

Effective performance management plays a pivotal role in HR and organizational success, directly influencing compensation, career...

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Tags: Leadership, Performance Management, HR Strategy,

Employee Engagement 2024 Insights: Challenges and Priorities Checklist

As we navigate through rapid organizational change, the spotlight on employee engagement trends in 2024 intensifies, as noted in...

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Tags: Employee Engagement, Leadership, HR Strategy,

5 Tips For HR Communication Strategy Tied To Business Impact

Good news, bad news time. Bad news: HR still isn’t communicating the business impact of our activities well.

A 2023 Axios HQ...

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Tags: Leadership, HR Strategy, Coaching

2024 HR Trends: Leading the Charge in Organizational Transformation

In 2024, the landscape of HR is set to revolve around a vital trend: "Organizational Transformation". This proactive strategy is...

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Tags: Leadership, HR Strategy, Managing Organizations

Implementing Generative AI in HR: A Grounded Approach to Future Challenges

As the world of work evolves, Generative AI in HR emerges as a key trend, now significantly propelled forward by the arrival of ...

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Tags: Leadership, HR Strategy, Managing Organizations,

How your organization can embrace ChatGPT without replacing people

In one of our previous content, we discussed at length about using ChatGPT for managers, leaders, and HR. Now, we want to tackle...

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Tags: Leadership, Managing Organizations, Managing People,

Top 5 barriers to creating high-performing teams

As the cornerstone of every organization, work teams are expected to show dedication to the company, meet their OKRs, and achieve...

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Tags: Leadership, Employee Experience

Leading with flexibility to ensure a smooth return to office (RTO)

Over the last two years, many employees have become acclimated to a degree of flexibility, autonomy, and efficiency while working...

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Tags: Leadership, Performance Management, Employee Experience

Empower managers, so your people can thrive

Employee surveys have become a common practice in today's workplace to boost engagement, improve retention and increase...

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Tags: Leadership, Employee Experience

Tips for Navigating Return-to-Office (RTO)

A return-to-office (RTO) after two years of working from home could be a challenge due to a number of reasons.

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Tags: Leadership, Employee Experience

Your journey to becoming a more inclusive leader

One of the key trends that leaders can observe in 2022 is that “Diversity & inclusion will be a major competitive...

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Tags: Leadership, Employee Experience

IWD 2022 Special Feature - Gender Diversity at the Workplace

People all around the world celebrate March 8th as International Women’s Day. It is an important day to celebrate women’s...

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Tags: Leadership, Employee Experience

Four-Day Work Week: Yes or No?

Permanent long weekends or a day off mid-week, sounds great doesn’t it? You could spend more quality time with your family, run...

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Tags: Leadership, Employee Experience

How to reinvent the way performance appraisals are designed

Article published in CNA on 4 November 2020

In many ways, the pandemic has been a wake-up call for employers. American human...

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Tags: Leadership, Performance Management

All you need to know about effective employee onboarding

Did you know, companies with effective onboarding processes see 2.5 times more revenue growth? How would you rate your...

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Tags: Leadership, Employee Experience

Diversity & Inclusion Will be a Competitive Differentiator in 2022

Read on to find out why D&I will be a major propeller for business growth and what leaders can do to prioritise D&I in their...

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Tags: Leadership, Employee Experience

5 Key Learnings from Our 5-Year Journey with EngageRocket

On 6 October, EngageRocket would be celebrating its 5th anniversary. Looking back at how far we’ve come with the relentless...

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Tags: Leadership

Redefining employee experience for today's workforce with wellbeing at the core

In a recent global workplace report, employed Australians and New Zealanders are more likely to experience day-to-day stress as...

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Tags: Leadership, Employee Experience

5 tips to effectively lead a team while working from home

The hashtag #WFH (“working from home”) has dominated social media posts, as Singapore’s “circuit breaker” measures kick in and...

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Tags: Leadership, Remote Work

Solutions to Involve Employees in Business Process Optimization in 2021

How involved are your employees in the decision-making process for your business?

Getting your team involved in choices about how...

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Tags: Leadership, Employee Experience